The City of Minnetonka offers low-interest home improvement financing for Minnetonka residents.
Loan terms
- Income and asset limits apply
- Up to $15,000 for home repair, efficiency improvements and some additions
- 10-year loan term, three percent interest rate (3.211 percent APR)*
- The loan is secured by a mortgage on the applicant’s property
- Closing costs apply
Property eligibility
- Single-family, owner-occupied properties
- Town homes and condominiums (subject to association bylaws)
- Maximum home value of $515,200 (based upon estimated market value)
- Property must be homesteaded or held in a contract for deed
Income limit
(Updated October 2023)
Household Size |
Income Limit |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Types of improvements
- Eligible improvements: exterior repairs, painting, major mechanical projects and high efficiency energy improvements
- Driveways, sidewalks and steps (requires city review and approval)
- Windows and doors (Energy Star)
- Insulation
- Solar
- High efficiency HVAC
More information
For more information or to apply, visit the Center for Energy and Environment or call 612-335-5884.
The current loan terms and conditions stated, including interest rates, do not constitute a commitment to lend or an offer to enter into an agreement, and that such an offer may only be made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 47.206(3) and (4).
* APR is based on a $15,000 loan over 10 years.