City of Minnetonka, MN
Home MenuMinnetonka Woodland Preserve
Rachel Development and Charles Cudd have submitted a concept plan for the redevelopment of the properties at 2511 and 2615 Plymouth Road. The concept plan contemplates 18 single-family homes and the preservation of woodland and natural topographic features.
Concept plan and formal application process
The planning commission and city council will review and act on this proposal on the tentative dates listed below.
Planning commission
- Meeting date: Thursday, March 3, 2022*^
- Action: Reviewed concept plan and provided feedback
City council
- Meeting date: Monday, March 21, 2022*
- Action: Reviewed concept plan and provided feedback
*Click on meeting date for details and meeting materials
^The city is currently holding planning commission and city council meetings virtually. Learn how to watch and participate in the virtual meetings.
Project contacts
- Planning Division: 952-939-8290
- Project Planner: Loren Gordon, 952-939-8296
- Ward 2 Council Member: Rebecca Schack, 612-590-3735