Xcel Energy is proposing to replace existing electrical poles along a power line, which requires a conditional use permit and site and building plan review. Some of the poles will exceed the maximum height allowed by city code (80 feet), which requires a variance. In addition, some of the existing poles are located within wetlands and floodplains. The replacement of these poles will require floodplain and wetland alteration permits.


The planning commission and city council will review and act on this proposal on the tentative dates listed below.

Planning commission
  • Meeting date: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023*
  • Action: Held public hearing, discussed proposal, made recommendation to city council to approve 
City council
  • Meeting date: Monday, Oct. 16, 2023*
  • Action: Reviewed proposal and planning commission recommendation, voted to approve

*Click on meeting date for details and meeting materialsLearn how to watch and participate in the meetings remotely.

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